Friday, March 16, 2012


If you glance up in the evening sky lately you will notice a few brighter stars than normally.  These happen to be a planetary show of Venus and Jupiter in the west and Mars in the east.  Though they appear as nothing more than brighter stars, I still find it interesting that we get to see planets unaided by a magnifying device.  Also this is a rather uncommon occurance that you get both planets together like this.  Read more about the event here

This is my attempt to capture Venus and Jupiter.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Okay, so March is NEVER green in Manitoba, hardly ever brown, and this year, the white colour has only been dominant the last week.  Whatever snow we've been getting managed to blow away or melt.  However, this last snowfall, though not much, has been sticking around.

I was going through last summer's photos when I found these pics.  It's amazing how beautiful everything is.  Pictures that were deemed not much are stunningly beautiful if your life has been void of  fresh new colours.

 Had to post the ferns in honour of the green month!

... and the nest, just because I like the colour too.